Enter your criteria (such as annual revenue and geographic location) and wait for the results!
Think of Openmart as Google Maps or Yelp designed specifically for sales.
Enrich local business data with verified emails, owner names, and phone numbers.
Deduplicate from your CRM and find only new leads.
Skip the lengthy research. Tell us how you qualify leads, and our AI will do the rest with SMB leads!
US Local business data
Owner contact info
Sales research time
Conversion rate
Roofing, handyman, electricians, and HVAC
Gift shops, home decor stores, clothing boutiques, grocery stores, liquor stores, and beauty salons
Hotels, restaurants, bars, event venues, museums, and tours
Law firms, tax firms, and accounting firms
If you can find it on google maps, Openmart will be able to help!
Tell us about your data needs and we'll go get them! Email founders@openmart.ai.
For small teams looking to identify their first partners to build a network and prove its value.
For organisations looking to make partnerships a significant driver in their revenue strategy.
For organisations looking to make partnerships a significant driver in their revenue strategy.